Wg Cdr RR Senthil Kumar, Indian Air Force, delivered a talk during the SFTE-EC Symposium […]
Category: Educational Series
Basic educational tutorials, articles and videos on Flight Test and related subjects ..for the wannabe testers :)
Spin Testing for Trainer Aircraft
Modern aircraft tend to be more reluctant to spin compared to older designs, however it […]
Tutorial: Aircraft Inertial Navigation System Testing
Theory Airborne Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) are dead reckoning systems that measure the accelerations of […]
Tutorial: Aircraft Manoeuvrability (PART-4: Flight Testing for Lift & Thrust Boundaries)
Aircraft Manoeuvrability: Flight Testing for Lift & Thrust Boundaries
Tutorial: Aircraft Manoeuvrability (PART-3: Flight Testing for Manoeuvre Performance)
Aircraft Manoeuvrability: Flight Testing for Manoeuvre Performance
Tutorial: Aircraft Manoeuvrability (PART-2: Introduction to the Limits)
Every aircraft’s operational manoeuvrability is limited by several fixed and variable factors. Typical V-n diagram […]
Tutorial: Aircraft Manoeuvrability (PART-1: Turn Performance)
The capacity to change the velocity vector is called manoeuvrability. Quantifying the manoeuvrability of an airplane involves documenting the acceleration, deceleration, and turning characteristics.
Stall Flight Testing
Flying Qualities Specifications defines good high angle of attack characteristics in terms that are qualitative […]
Stall AoA Limiter System Validation on Digital Combat Simulator (DCS)- F-16C Viper
F-16 C aircraft Flight Control System (FLCS) limits the AoA to 25 deg and 18 […]
Virtual Flight Test Center: Practical Flight Lessons –Breaking down the aerodynamics of “Topgun” inverted flight scene with Digital Combat Simulator
“Breaking down the aerodynamics of Topgun inverted flight scene!!” “Topgun” still remains as the most […]