Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has conducted hot weather and high-altitude trials of the locally developed Light Utility Helicopter (LUH).

Testing was carried out by Test Pilots and Flight Test Engineers from HAL, the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Indian Army in the Himalayas during the period between 24 August and 2 September. The LUH demonstrated its high-altitude capability and met all user requirements during testing, HAL stated.

The LUH demonstrated a comprehensive test plan at an altitude of 3,300m in the Leh region in the Himalayas in temperatures up to 32°C. The trials tested envelope expansion, performance and flying qualities. The team then tested the helicopter’s hot and high-hover performance at Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) Advanced Landing Ground (ALG) at 5,000m. This was followed by another forward helipad at an altitude of 5,500m at 27°C.

In a statement, HAL said: “While these extreme weather conditions imposed flight restrictions on all other civil and military aircraft, LUH flights were unhindered as it is designed for such operations.”

Fore info: https://hal-india.co.in/Product_Details.aspx?Mkey=54&lKey=&CKey=64

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