The inaugural session of the India Chapter of Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE) was held on 29 Aug 2020 from 1800- 2030h. The meeting was held through video-conferencing via Zoom. Apart from the members of SFTE India Chapter, senior Test Pilots and Flight Test Engineers were invited for the inaugural session,

Air Mshl Philip Rajkumar PVSM AVSM VM (Retd.), Test Pilot and former Director of Aeronautical Development Agency, was the Chief Guest .

Wg Cdr PK Raveendran SC (Retd.), former lead FTE for the LCA Tejas Program, delivered the keynote address.

The inaugural session was followed by Chapter Business Meeting. Agenda points brought up by members were:

  1. ‘Collaboration with academic institutions’ by Dr Pradipta Biswas
  2. ‘ADSB for weather info transmission ‘ by Wg Cdr Vishal Mishra
  3. ‘Skill and experience database for SFTE members’ by Mr Jitendra Singh

The meeting was concluded after through discussions and a way forward for all the items raised.

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